You can make
good choices
by picking the
Fruit of the Spirit!
good choices
by picking the
Fruit of the Spirit!
Jesus asks us to fill our hearts with the
Fruit of the Spirit
by making good choices!

I choose Love
when I give a hug!
when I give a hug!

I choose Joy
when I smile!
when I smile!

I choose Peace when I say,
“I am sorry!”
“I am sorry!”

I choose Patience
when I wait my turn!
when I wait my turn!

I choose Kindness
when I share with others!
when I share with others!

I choose Goodness
when I tell the truth!
when I tell the truth!

I choose Faithfulness
when I talk to God in prayer!
when I talk to God in prayer!

I choose Gentleness when
I offer to help others!
I offer to help others!

I choose Self-control
when I follow directions!
when I follow directions!
Jesus is proud of you and He loves you very much!
Remember to ask Jesus to help you make good choices
by filling your heart with the
Fruit of the Spirit!